quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2020

O que tenho lido (fim de abril de 20)

India’s Once Lavish Weddings Are Now Taking Place on Zoom
"The date of their nuptials, set for its auspicious astrological coordinates, fell amid a stringent national lockdown precipitated by the coronavirus."

The Stocks Senators Unloaded Before the Coronavirus Crash https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2020-senators-dump-stocks-coronavirus-crash/
"Another senator under scrutiny, Georgia Republican Kelly Loeffler, sold off millions of dollars worth of stock beginning on Jan. 24, the day the health committee she sits on was briefed by U.S. public-health officials. If Loeffler—who is married to New York Stock Exchange chairman Jeffrey Sprecher—had held onto those stocks, she would have lost up to $1.5 million."

U.S. Debt to Surge Past Wartime Record, Deficit to Quadruple

What 5 Coronavirus Models Say the Next Month Will Look Like https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/22/upshot/coronavirus-models.html

The $600 Unemployment Booster Shot, State by State

Rubem Fonseca, Giant of Brazilian Literature, Dies at 94


U.S. Debt Swells to World War II Highs

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Fundos de investimentos futebolísticos - 2º tempo: Milan&Elliot

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